Embark on a riveting journey into the intriguing, often disconcerting world of renowned artist Jamie Wyeth as the Brandywine Museum of Art unveils its much-anticipated exhibition, "Jamie Wyeth: Unsettled."
This major showcase, five years in the making, presents over 50 spellbinding works drawn from collections nationwide, offering a fresh perspective on Wyeth's six-decade career. Set against the backdrop of Chadds Ford, Pennsylvania, Wyeth's oeuvre takes center stage from March 17 to June 9, 2024, before venturing to art museums across the United States.
The exhibition masterfully traces a persistent vein of uncanny imagery, showcasing Wyeth's prowess in storytelling through arresting, visceral compositions. Thomas Padon, the James H. Duff Director of the Brandywine Museum of Art, describes "Unsettled" as an exploration of the ominous, the postapocalyptic, and the unsettling, underscoring the vulnerability of the human condition.
A celebrated figure in contemporary art, Jamie Wyeth's fiercely independent spirit sets him apart. Beyond his well-known coastal views and portraits lies a consistent thread of darker, more troubling imagery that has woven through his work for over 60 years. The exhibition unveils Wyeth's evolution from ultra-realistic visions to mature expressionism, where intense color and dramatic paint handling electrify his canvases, consistently evoking an unsettled mood.
Curated by Amanda C. Burdan, Ph.D., Senior Curator at the Brandywine Museum of Art, "Unsettled" explores Wyeth's attention to unnerving phenomena and uncanny experiences across the decades. The exhibition unfolds with eccentric portraits, delving into natural and supernatural worlds, and exploring the dark corners of the animal kingdom. From frenzied birds to mesmerizing sheep and haunted spaces - Wyeth's work induces anxiety, making viewers question the boundaries of reality.
As attendees traverse through the disquieting landscapes of "Jamie Wyeth: Unsettled," they will be immersed in the accompanying fully illustrated catalogue co-published by Rizzoli Electa and Brandywine. Featuring essays by Burdan and other contributors exploring unsettling moods in different media, this catalogue enhances the immersive experience of Wyeth's unsettling world.
Don't miss the chance to witness this dark odyssey in Chadds Ford before it travels to art hubs in Rockland, ME, Greenville, SC, Dayton, OH, and Seattle, WA.