Established in 1983 Kid Shelleen’s, located in the Trolley Square neighborhood, has been named a relaxed, casual atmosphere for locals and visitors alike.  With great food, an amazing bar and outdoor patio it’s no wonder PHL 17 visited to check it out for themselves.  

PHL 17 sat down with owner, Xavier Teixido, to talk about a classic menu item that has been a local go-to for over three decades. Kid Shelleen’s has developed a reputation for their burgers and over time has grown the selections. “We do several different burgers but it’s all the toppings that make it. Right? It’s the different lettuces, it’s attention to the cheeses that you put on it, it’s how you source, how you source and handle it.” says Teixido.  

Be sure to add Kid Shelleen’s to your #VisitWilm restaurant list!