In the early 1970s, an artist collaborative known as the "ArtSquad" created participatory art installations throughout Wilmington, Delaware. This eventually led to the establishment of The Delaware Contemporary in 1979, formally The Delaware Center for Contemporary Arts. Now 40 years later, the seeds of hard work, bound together with energy, determination, and support from a community of artists and patrons, have made visible the creative forces that continue to shape the artistic community in Wilmington.

The year of celebration kicks-off with six unique and exciting exhibits...

Delaware Contemporary: Half Half ExhibitHalf: Half

A Draper Experiment by Willie Yao
January 4 -  February 24, 2019
E. Avery Draper Gallery

The first exhibition of our six Draper Experiments. HALF : HALF debuts paintings, video, and other media installations that explore Yao's discovery of his own identity and lifestyle as an urban citizen. Figurative and deeply individualistic, Yao invites the observer to ask questions about their own dynamic identity, psychology, and life experiences. LEARN MORE


Delaware Contemporary: Far is Near ExhibitThe Far is Near

Graham Dougherty & Ruth Ansel
January 5 - 31, 2019
Elizabeth Denison Hatch Gallery

Founding member and one of our first studio artists Graham Dougherty and long-time studio artist Ruth Ansel come together to present paintings that take color beyond the visual experience. LEARN MORE


Delaware Contemporary: Origins ExhibitOrigins

Rick Rothrock & Stan Smokler
January 8 - April 21, 2019
Carole Bieber & Marc Ham Gallery

The Delaware Contemporary launches its 40th Anniversary year with an exhibition featuring our founder, Rick Rothrock, and long time supporter, Stan Smokler. Together, the work of these celebrated sculptors finds common ground in symbolism and shared visual experiences. LEARN MORE


Delaware Contemporary: New Heights ExhibitNew Heights

Erica Loustau
January 11 - December 31, 2019
Lobby Installation

Seeking to engage the open space of our atrium lobby, artist Erica Z. Loustau, Assistant Professor of Art & Sculpture at West Chester University, returns to The Delaware Contemporary to integrate stellar design and an inviting atmosphere. Loustau's aerial sculptures are the personal expression of spontaneity and improvisation. The random, periodic movement of the colorful bands transports the viewer's own imagination to "new heights." LEARN MORE


Delaware Contemporary: Sense of Place ExhibitA Sense of Palce 47° - 80° N

Bethany Springer
January 16 - May 12, 2019
Beckler Family Gallery

Using the camera or constructed pieces of metal, Springer transforms the gallery cube into a vessel of discovery. Her work investigates the space between romantic idealism and stark realism. With heightened influence by history, heritage, globalization, and the current age of information overload, Springer's work presents the contours of systems and constructs with which we often surround ourselves to create awareness and dialogue. LEARN MORE


Delaware Contemporary: Somewhere Else ExhibitSomewhere Else

Group Exhibition
January 18 - February 21, 2019
Constance S. & Robert J. Hennessy Project Space

In a joint collaboration with The University of Delaware Chinese Student and Scholar Association (UD CSSA), The Delaware Contemporary will showcase an exhibition of photographs from the East Coast Chinese Community. Various viewpoints on the topic of "Somewhere Else" will examine differences in daily life between places, emotional moments of nostalgia, or other narratives that point to the ambiguous and unknown. LEARN MORE

About The Delaware Contemporary

The Delaware Contemporary presents exhibitions of regionally, nationally, and internationally recognized artists that explore topical issues in contemporary art and society. In addition, the museum provides opportunities for local and emerging artists to showcase their work and advance their artistic growth. Art sales through the Delaware Contemporary galleries and Museum Shop support area and exhibiting artists and our commitment to the importance of contemporary art in our community.