The dog days of summer are coming up quick so what better way to take advantage of the second half of the season than with a trip to Greater Wilmington, NY Daily News’ vote for best summer day trips! Grab your travel buddy, stay hydrated, and head to your next, or first, #VisitWilm adventure!


Art, technology, and beauty all rolled into one; The Delaware Contemporary debuts new compositions added to the Anahata series. Come out and enjoy this amazing one-of-a-kind exhibit by John Singletary.

Unleash Your Love of Music with the Riverfront Blues Festival

You don’t have to feel blue… This festival features outstanding musical performances from across the country. From jazz to rock with funk in between, this festival is calling your name. A music lover’s paradise that couldn’t be in a better location Wilmington’s Riverfront.

Garden Highlights Walk

Peace. Love. Plants. The Mt. Cuba Center is so much more than just its surface beauty. Take a walk…you’ll see. This botanical garden not only shows off the attractiveness of its location daily but also submerges you in its research and conservational efforts of native plants!

Uncover the Summer Concert Series at Bellevue State Park

Pack some snacks, your favorite blanket, maybe some bug spray, and enjoy a relaxing evening inside an amazing Delaware park. Concerts are on tap Sundays and Thursdays now through the end of August at Bellevue State Park. Be sure to fill your #VisitWilm weekend with even more music! Check out concerts throughout Battery Park, Rockford Park and other gorgeous New Castle locations. 

Scenic Route Tour 

Explore du Pont history in a scenic way at Winterthur Musuem. With spectacular views of the 60-acre garden, and amazing scenery throughout the 1,000-acre estate, there is nothing better than this family friendly tour.

Tale of Two Gardens 

For your next #VisitWilm experience dig into two different gardens at another du Pont mansion,- Eleutherian Mills, at Hagley Museum was the family’s ancestral home. Explore architecture, produce and philosophies…You’ll be glad you did!

August’s Featured Event!

August Quarterly

Celebrate the Nation’s oldest African American Festival at August Quarterly. Music, food and a ton of culture held at the Harriet-Tubman Riverfront Park in Downtown, Wilmington.

We can’t wait for you to explore all that Greater Wilmington has to offer in August.  Be sure to tag us on Instagram using #VisitWilm! See you soon!


Bonus Event! Delaware Burger Battle